There was always a good selection of Amiga publications available. This is the american magazine Amiga World. They where always full of fun and creative tips and stuff. Mostly in a technically initiated but casual style. With a mix of graphics and video graphics, and ocasionally desktop graphics. One thing that you never could read in any of these publications was anything businesslike. In contrast to the other computer magazines, which focused on the money earning possibilities of the technique.
Here are the 10th anniversary year special, issue 100. You could feel the downward selling curve of the whole amiga environment even in this issue. The cover tries to keep the thumbs up, but the magazines was thinner and thinner. Maybe not a coinsidence that this cover tells of CrossMac and MaxDos as something viable. The magazine on the previous page was the english Amiga Computing. Observe the " longest running amiga magazine" text.

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